Master’s Degree
1. Mandatory disciplines
Research Workshop I: the research project (2 Credit Units, 30 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: The research project and its constituent components. (Re) elaboration of the research project focused on the: theme, object of investigation, justification, problematization, objects of methodology. Socialization and analysis of (re) elaborated projects.
Research Workshop II: methodology (2 Credit Units, 30 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Articulation between the theoretical reference and the methodological procedures. Elaboration of the instruments and data collection. Production / data collection. Initial systematization of the data. Literature review. Production of the text referring to the methodological movement. Organization of the text for qualification examination.
Research Workshop III: treatment and data analysis (2 Credit Units, 30 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Treatment: Organization and categorization of data. Partial analysis and interpretation of data. Systematization of the analyzes in a dissertation text format. Presentation of the systematizations for consideration.
Brazilian Basic School (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Basic Education: concept, legislation and policies. The organization of Basic Education in Brazil. Basic Education as a right. Curriculum of the Brazilian Basic Education. The school as a space for the production of identities. Problems and dilemmas of the basic school in Brazil. The evaluations of the Brazilian basic school.
Specific Topics of Basic Education: history and basic school (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: This course is aimed at addressing themes that are prominent in the analyses of the problems of Basic Education in contemporary times, reflecting from theoretical fields of educational policy and legislation, the history of basic education, pedagogical and didactic perspectives, and the field of curriculum , teaching and assessment. The perspectives of analysis and the main influences in the conformation of the Brazilian Basic Education. In each of the lines of the Program, each semester, will have its theoretical-methodological definition of work.
Experience in the Research Group (2 Credit Units, 30 Credit Hours) Syllabus: Will understand the insertion of the postgraduate in the research group whose coordinator coordinates or is part, integrating the activities of research, teaching or extension developed by the group.
2. Mandatory disciplines by research line
Research line: Curriculum of Basic Education
School and Curriculum (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Promotes the discussion about the historical, cultural, epistemological, social and ideological determinations of the curriculum. It analyzes the constructivist, post-constructivist and socio-interactionist perspectives and their implications for the curriculum development process.
Research Line: Management and Organization of Work in School
Theories and Practices of Management and Organization of Work in School (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: The sociology of Education and the educational organization; Sociological approach to public school organizational models; Taylorist and neo-Taylorist perspectives in the administration of education and school; Administration, power and ideology in school management practices; The bureaucratic rationality in the school under analysis. Decentralization, Autonomy and Democracy in School Management; School management, working conditions and the quality of education and teaching.
3. Elective disciplines
Qualitative methods: population, sample and generalization in qualitative researches (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Critique of the positivity of modern science. Paradigm and change of scientific paradigm. Specificities of qualitative research design. Population, sample and generalization in qualitative research. Qualitative field research: the look, listen and the writing.
Specific Topics of Basic Education: schooling of people with disabilities (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Problematizes the access to knowledge and the social and school environments for students with disabilities, syndromes and high skills, in view of the responsibility to guarantee the right to education, as a constitutional prescription, in primary and higher education. Discuss the social production of normality and abnormality. It analyzes the constitution of inclusive education and the proposals for schooling of people with disabilities at different historical moments.
Specific Topics of Basic Education: policies and practices of secondary education and professional education (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: the social function of high school and vocational education. The main ideas in dispute in high school and vocational education. Policies of secondary education and professional education in Brazil. Theory and practice of teaching in secondary education and professional education. Integrated teaching and interdisciplinary practices in school. Planning, evaluation and teaching practices for secondary and professional education.
Specific Topics of Basic Education Funding and Social Control of Public Expenditures (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)
Syllabus: Historical-conceptual and political aspects of the financing of basic education in Brazil. The financing of Brazilian education in legislation: the Constitutional linkage, the funds policy. The policy of financial decentralization for the School. The financing of education and the public-private relationship. public budget, accountability process, and social control of public spending in basic education. A basic education of quality, minimum standards and the initial cost-student-quality (CAOi).