Contribution to the development of Basic Education in the North

Implemented in 2015, PPEB is received with great enthusiasm by the academic community, as well as by society in general. This is because a graduate program focused on Basic Education was a lack in Brazil, and especially in the North, where the latest statistical surveys by the National Institute of Studies and Educational Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) revealed that it is where the worst educational indicators compared to the indexes of other regions of the country are. These data are the result of social problems in which the childhood and youth of the Amazon are inserted, which face difficulties in access and permanence in basic education, along with the inefficiency of the education policies adopted, which cannot deal with this reality. As a result of this framework, the creation of the Program was necessary to contribute to the development of Basic Education in the North and Brazil, through the training of professionals who think about the adversities in which basic education in the Amazon is involved, being able to propose solutions and formulate policies for basic education in Pará and the Amazon region. PPEB counts on researchers who have extensive experience in the field, possessing knowledge that makes possible the understanding of the reality of Brazilian basic education, and especially the Amazonian, in order to present adequate solutions for its development.

Partnerships with higher education institutions

One of the goals set by PPEB, in order to contribute to the development of Basic Education in the Amazon region and Brazil, in general, is the search for partnerships with higher education institutions and other segments of society that are related with the field of teacher training, management and teaching work in basic education. These partnerships aim to consolidate research, exchange research experiences and strategies for knowledge production, and improve the qualification of graduate students and professors linked to graduate partner programs to the PPEB.

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