The new UFPA Automatic Generation Module (FICAT 2.0), implemented by the Central Library of UFPA, is a system that seeks to accelerate the generation of catalogues for the academic work of the institution's students.

To use it, just go to the site ( and fill in the mandatory and optional data. After filling in, the PDF file of the cataloguing card will be immediately available to be inserted in the work. On the site, you can also find tutorials and instructions on how to operate the system.

In addition to Theses and Dissertations, FICAT 2.0 also generates catalytic data sheets for the Completion of Undergraduate and Specialization Courses (TCC's) - in an automatic, agile and efficient way. The system was created using criteria such as security, precision, agility, reliability, usability.

FICAT 2.0 maintains the standard for the production of catalogues according to the rules of the Anglo American Cataloguing Code (AACR2) and the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).


To access the updated production of this graduate program, visit the platform Sucupira Capes ( and perform the following routines:


1) Select the icon Intellectual Productions: (

2) Choice: the year; the institution (Federal University of Pará), the graduate program; Type of production (artistic; Bibliography; or technical).

3) activate the button "Browse".

4) After the last procedure, the list of production will be visibilizada. Then, activate the magnifying glass on the right side of each item. That way, you'll have detailed information about the production.

5) If you want to show all of the productions of the program, activate directly the button "Browse". The complete list of selected visibilizada year's production. To trigger the magnifying glass to the right of each item, you will have detailed information about each production.


Laboratory of Pedagogical Practices for High School and Professional Education - Escola do Trabalho


Possession of 10 computers, two lockers, a shelf, projector, air conditioner, smartboard, 24 desks and tables and internet access. Adequate space to study, formation and meetings.


Federal University of Pará - Guamá Campus

Professional Sector – Pavilion FP, Room FP-12

01, Augusto Correa Avenue, Guamá

Zip Code: 66075-110

Belém – Pará – Brazil.





Laboratory of Informatics – Faculty of Education (FAED/UFPA)


Possession of 30 computers (divided among the two), with internet access, two printers, one in each lab.


Federal University of Pará – Guamá Campus

Education Sciences Institute – Faculty of Education

Professional Sector

01, Augusto Correa Avenue, Guamá

Zip Code: 66075-110

Belém – Pará – Brazil.



+55 (91) 3201-8339

+55 (91) 3201-8338


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