Training of teachers for an inclusive school: collaborative actions between higher education and basic education in the municipalities of Pará.
Coord. Dr. Amelia Maria Araújo Mosque
Funding: Prodoutor/UFPA
Training of health professionals in clinical research in infectious diseases: the educational projects and the practices carried out.
Coord. Dr. Dinair Leal da Time
Funding: CAPES
Knowledge of the fishing and identity of youth of the municipality of Cametá: Northeastern Amazon region of para
Coord. Dr. Candice Denise Rodrigues
Funding: CNPq
Fundef to PSPN and valorization of teaching of basic education in the municipalities of the metropolitan region of Belém: training and remuneration of professor in analysis
Coord. Dr. Fabricio Aaron Freire Carvalho
Funding: CNPq
Management of distance education: working relationships and techno-pedagogical mediations-ONASP-National Observatory of the prison system
Coord. Dr. Fernando Anand Fidalgo
Funding: CNPq and Ministry of Justice
Cartography of special education in Degree courses of public institutions of education in the State of Pará
-Exchange and research project on policies of Resume-PROCAD (UFPA-UFPEL-UERJ)
Coord. Dr. Genylton Odilon Rego da Rocha
Funding: CNPq; Propesp/UFPA; CAPES
800 x 600
Miriti toy in the city of Abaetetuba: the translation of the tradition of a pedagogical and cultural artifact through the intersections of gender and sexuality
-The toy of miriti in Abaetetuba
Coord. Dr. Joyce Otânia Seixas Ribeiro
-Training Practices of working youth in high school Integrated
-Alternative pedagogical practices of training of workers referred to in contrahegemônicos projects
Coord. Dr. Ronaldo Marcos de Lima Araujo
Funding: CNPq/CAPES
-Sociabilities teenagers: color and hierarchies in the school environment/society in microcosm: color hierarchies in social arrangements produced by teenagers in the school environment
-Society in microcosm: color hierarchies in social arrangements produced by teenagers in the school environment
Coord. Dr. Wilma de Nazareth Bay Rabbit
Funding: CNPq